How Yoga therapy works

In yoga therapy, we are a team working towards your health and wellbeing. In our first meeting we take the time to get a full picture of where you are at now, and how I may assist you on your wellness journey. It is a holistic approach including, physical, energetic, psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects. As part of our discussion we can also do an assessment of your ayurvedic constitution to inform the diet and lifestyle recommendations that best support your health and vitality. All information that you provide is held in complete confidence. From there we create a practice that will support your healing, which may be recovery from an illness, or simply deepening your connection to your yoga practice. The practice may involve one or more aspects of yoga - asana (physical postures), pranayama(breathing practices), mudra (hand gestures), mantra (chanting), relaxation or meditation practices. Yoga therapy is also intended to compliment any other health care practitioners that you are currently working with. My work is trauma informed and mental health aware. 

who yoga therapy is for

In 2019, Dr. Timothy Mc Call published a list of 117 health conditions that yoga therapy can help with which is supported by scientific studies as of June 2019. Some of these are:

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic back pain

  • Burnout

  • Cancer

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Eating Disorders

  • Endometriosis

  • Depression

  • Menopausal and peri menopausal symptoms

  • Migraine and tension headaches

  • Chronic neck pain

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Stress

  • Fibromyalgia

In addition to the above list, you can also start a yoga therapy journey if you simply enjoy a holistic, personalised approach aligned with how yoga was traditionally taught including ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations to support your wellbeing

Our sessions will be

  • Personalised

    Time will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness, researching yoga therapy treatment plans, and creating a personalized practice, which we can adjust over time based on your evolving needs.

  • Holistic

    Each person is welcomed and honoured as a whole, making space for the interweaving of emotions, thoughts, body, diet, lifestyle and nervous system in a holistic approach to care.

  • integrated

    Yoga therapy ingetrates philosophy, psychology and practices beautifully and deeply. The deep integration of these three pillars is a result of deep thought and compassionate effort from great teachers.

“yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”

The Bhagavad Gita


Book a free 30 minute no obligation consultation to find out if yoga therapy if right for you.

Packages & Pricing

After your initial consultation, you can purchase yoga therapy packages as follows:

  • Yoga Therapy 3 Pack - $330

  • Yoga Therapy 5 Pack - $500

  • Casual Follow Up Appointments (after intro. pack) - $120

Please get in touch on my Contact Page if you have any further inquiries